sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

El baile en Yarumela 3/27

3/27 El baile en Yarumela
Today was a very Honduran day, hand washing clothes, hand washing my dog, and wandering around Yarumela trying to find something to do. Finally I ran into some other gringos and we decided we’d go to a play put on by the Instituto de la Juventud, a group that we have met before. The play was supposed to start at 3, some said 3:30, others said there was a second showing at 4, but after an hour and a half of waiting we realized that it, like many events here, got cancelled…fijese que… So instead of being active members of the community we went out and got ice cream and drinks. The day was not lost though because there was a community dance planned in Yarumela for the night. I discussed the safety factor of the dance with my parents before leaving, they thought it would be OK so they dressed me up and my dad even sprayed some cologne on me…thanks dad. Somebody said it started at 7 so we thought we’d show up fashionably late at 7:30... But this being Honduras of course it didn’t start at 7 or even 8 so a group of us hung out and discussed the chances of the worldwide hour long blackout that was ‘planned’ to happen from 8-9... I don’t know where that rumor came from, but the power did not even flicker. Since the dance was pushed back so much we hung out with my parents and grandma as they talked about how we should dance, how to ‘matar el guano’ and how on Sunday we could all have dance lessons from my dad. We finally showed up to the dance at around 8:45 to find out that the actual dance doesn’t start till 10:00, but that there is a dance competition before that, we figured ‘why not?’ and proceeded in. there ended up being 7 or 8 groups that danced/sang/break danced to very inappropriate English songs or to regaeton music, entertaining, but not always appropriate… whatever. Because half the group had to be home by 10ish we didn’t get to stay for the actual dance, probably for the best, but there is always dance lessons tomorrow to look forward to. Happy semana santa!

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