viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Planchar-to iron

It’s been raining a lot down here, way too much in the evening and the night so it’s been increasingly difficult to find stuff to do. Usually it means listening to music, watching tv, hanging out with my family, but one new activity that I have begun to love is ironing! I know most people have probably never seen me in an ironed shirt or pants, it’s probably because I never ironed back in the States, the truth is I didn’t really even know how to iron. Down here my style has had to change, I don’t really ever leave the house, unless I’m playing soccer, without wearing a collared shirt. Not only do I wear collared shirts and slacks every day I also never leave the house in unironed clothes, even my jeans…don’t worry I don’t make a crease in the leg, that’s too much. I really enjoy my once a week midafternoon ironing session, I throw the blanket on the table, get my pile of wrinkled clothes, put on some reggaeton music videos and get to work…what a life I live!

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