martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Welcome to Miami

I made it into Miami after a relatively uneventful flight into a muggy late night scene. After a half hour of wandering around the airport I managed to find the shuttle to the hotel where I quickly hit the hay. Here is the quick preview of the foreseeable future... In about an hour I will officially start my training along with between 40 to 60 other people. We will get a quick intro to the Peace Corps and turn in the last (hopefully) of the endless paperwork. Tomorrow we will fly into Tegucigalpa, Honduras and will be quickly taken to Zarabanda (about 40 min away) where the Peace Corps training center is. Zarabanda will be home for the next 3 months, I will be living with two different host families and going through rigorous training in language, culture, and in my case HIV/AIDS and child survival. After the 11 weeks of training i will be an official Peace Corps volunteer and then I will get sent out into some village where I will begin serving for the following 2 years. Although this all seems pretty basic I really dont know what anything will look like, but i'm excited to see how it all plays out. Word on the street is that there isn't really any internet to be found in Zarabanda so updates might be few and far between, but i'll try to send out an update when i can.

1 comentario:

  1. STU! Dude, I love that you have the language of your blog set to Spanish, it make everything just a little more interesting. Ha ha. I'm your primero seguidor!
