viernes, 23 de abril de 2010


Necessity is the mother of invention or so some say. I think that Yarumela is the mother of creativity. When you are in a small town with nothing to do you have to find things to kill the time, my activities usually range from attempting to run to cutting hair, or in my case giving myself a mustache. There are always little things to entertain yourself with, but this last week I finally decided to something beneficial for myself, my family, and the community... OK, that might be a little too far, but I'm proud of my work. When it is ridiculously hot in La Paz there is nothing better than a good paleta or charamusca, essentially a sketchy street vender popsicle or a frozen bag of flavored ice. After my obsession slowly started to take a toll on my bank account I decided that I'd do something about it. The other day i went to the pulperia (corner store) and bought some plastic cups, popsicle sticks, found a stash of limes and went to work. I quickly cranked out 16 very sour lime popsicles to share with my family and everyone who wanted or could stand the sour punch. The next day, in order to appease the sweet glands of all Hondurans I made some amazing paletas de piña. Although it's not the most exciting activity I'm having fun and spreading 6oz cups of joy to the residents of Yarumela. Next on my flavor list are mango, mora, guava, horchata, coco, chocolate, and the ultimate flavor combo thanks to John, peanut butter-milk-Oreo.

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